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© 2019 Usine de Kervellerin


Drinking Water

Neutrimar® comply with the NF EN 1018 standard (October 2006)

Lithothamnion (calcified algae) is indicated in the treatment of human drinking water because of its physico-chemical qualities (purity, important surface area, potential for dissolution); It neutralises any aggressive, highly carbonated water and prevents corrosive damage to the water pipes. Also, thanks to a lithothamnion filter bed specially designed for this purpose, the concentration of calcium and carbonic acid is balanced out and the current standard governing the content of lead in drinking water is adhered to (10 µg/l according to public health regulations).

Our finished products of Neutrimar® are available in various particle sizes and particle size distributions – with the aim of providing the best solution to matters such as …

  • the quality and flow of the water to be treated
  • the specific technical properties of each treatment plant.


Neutridol® comply with the French standard of NF EN 1017 (October 2008), and NF EN 1018 (october 2006)

Also, since 2009 and in close cooperation with our customers, we have offered a range of Neutridol® products based on terrestrial carbonate.
The products of the Neutridol® range are available in different particle sizes and with different reaction speeds.


Water from basins and rainwater collection systems

CLEAN'O ® the sprinkler head stone

Recommended for
The improvement of water quality and the regeneration of water bodies
Transparent water
A 20-50% increase in process water volume
A water balance for aquatic flora and fauna

Simple homogenous application coupled with rapid diffusion through sprinkler heads

Suitable for the following water bodies: Rainwater collection systems, decorative pools, ponds, recreational waters, golf courses, fish farming facilities, water retention basins for fire-fighting, overflow basins for storms

Mode of function

The chemical-physical characteristics of CLEAN’O® trigger the following processes:

  • Flocculation of suspended particles and colloids in the water as well as the organic substances in the sediments
  • Stimulation and promotion of aerobic microflora in the water and in the sediments
  • Adsorption and selective trapping of heavy metal, nitrogen compounds and gases
  • Decaying of organic binders in the silt, which enables the permeability of the sediments (hydrolysis).